Thy Kingdom Come: Friday 22nd May

“… hallowed be your name …”

Continuing our series based on each phrase in the Lord’s Prayer, we’re considering “… hallowed be your name …” Pray for God’s help as you read Revelation 4.

  • John is writing down the spiritual reality in heaven.  Why is God worthy of praise?

  • One common use of the word ‘hallowed’ today is about sports pitches: hallowed turfs and grounds.  In the Lord’s Prayer we’re asking for God to be glorified. What might it look like for you to glorify God in the tasks, challenges and relationships he has given you today?

  • Pray through the people might see or encounter today that God would help you to glorify him and be a blessing to them.

  • Pray that God would open people’s eyes to see his glory in the face of Christ (2 Cor 4:6)

Please also pray for … those in local mission seeking to glorify God, such as:

  • Oswestry Foodbank helping those in need locally and many others supporting the vulnerable.

  • Christians working in all sorts of settings including healthcare, schools etc.