Exploring Christianity



The gospel is good news, the best news. God has welcomed us, who had turned against him, to join in his precious family. We aim to welcome everyone as God has welcomed us.

We love to help people investigate Jesus for themselves. We often run discussion groups looking at the basics of the faith. Please get in touch if you’d like to hear when our next course is starting.

There is usually also a Study course during Lent and sometimes groups at other times studying a particular theme. Additionally there are courses run on a deanery basis (i.e. the Oswestry and district area) which serve a number of churches.

Hope Explored

Where do you find hope in life? If that’s a question you are asking at the moment, we’d love you to join us for Hope Explored. Held over three consecutive weeks, you can join and ask questions or simply listen.

Christianity Explored

The Christianity Explored course gives you time and space to consider the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.

You don’t need to know anything about the Bible and you won’t be asked to read aloud, pray or sing. Our aim is to help you investigate Christianity in a relaxed and accessible way.