All Saint's Church hall is situated in the ground of the church. It is a light and airy space which is widely adaptable for a variety of uses from formal receptions, dinners, meetings, birthday parties or sports and community groups.
We want it to be well used as a community resource as well as a base for our church activities so please get in touch to discuss your plans with us. The kitchen has recently undergone a refurbishment thanks to the kind funds donated to the church through a number of events.
Please contact our Booking Secretary by email (blogaboutbritain@gmail.com or phone 07766 567276).
Frequently Asked Questions
What time is a ‘session’? Charges are specified on a ‘per-session’ basis, a session being a morning (between 9am and 12 noon), an afternoon (between 1pm and 5pm) or an evening (between 6pm and 11pm). These are guidelines and there is some flexibility so please speak to us.
Can I book a shorter slot? A booking for part only of a session will incur the full session charge.
Are any discounts available? The PCC may, at its discretion, provide a discount for regular users (10 sessions or more) or for early booking.
Can we use the outdoor space? Hall users are welcome to use the church field as part of the hire. The field is behind the hall with pedestrian access across a driveway. There is a vehicle gate into the field from the road (please make sure the gate is closed after use). The field may be used either as extra parking if the ground is firm, or as part of your event. Please be considerate to neighbours with noise and discuss your plans with the booking secretary.
Can we have a bouncy castle? Please check your insurance as ours does not cover items you bring onto the premises. Groups often hire bouncy castles to be in the church field just over the driveway behind the hall. Hirers may not bring into or use in the hall trampolines, bouncy castles or other equipment likely to damage the flooring or any other parts of the Hall.