Notice Of Preparation Of New Roll


Notice is given that under the Church Representation Rules a new Church Electoral Roll is being prepared. Every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the new Roll, whether it is entered on the present Roll or not, is requested to apply for enrolment not later than: 10TH FEBRUARY 2025

The new roll will take effect on 16TH MARCH 2025

The new Roll will be published by the Parochial Church Council by posting on the the notice board in the church porch for at least 14 days and a copy of the Roll will be available for inspection on a reasonable request being made to the Council.

Under the Church Representation Rules, a lay person is entitled to have his or her name entered on the roll, if the person –

(a) is baptised,

(b) is aged 16 or over, and

(c) has made one of the following three declarations and duly applied for enrolment.

The first declaration is that the person is a member of the Church of England or of a Church in communion with it and is resident in the parish.

The second declaration is that the person is a member of the Church of England or of a Church in communion with it, is not resident in the parish, but has habitually attended public worship in the parish during the preceding six months.

The third declaration is that the person is a member in good standing of a Church which is not in communion with the Church of England but subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and is also a member of the Church of England and has habitually attended public worship in the parish during the preceding six months.

Application Forms for enrolment can be obtained from the Church Electoral Roll Officer. In order to be entitled to attend the annual parochial church meeting and to take part in its proceedings, you must return the Application Form for enrolment by the earlier of the dates given above.

Any error discovered in the roll should at once be reported to the Church Electoral Roll Officer.

Dated this 12th day of January 2025

Signed Barbara Leonard
Address: Polmear, Daywell, Gobowen, SY10 7EJ
Church Electoral Roll Officer

* The new roll must be completed at least 15 days, but no more than 28 days, before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. In this Notice, ‘parish’ means an ecclesiastical parish.

Holiday Club 2025

Come and join us in the castle! 

Tuesday 18th - Friday 21st 
and Sunday 23rd February 2025


Whether you feel sporty or crafty, chilled or action packed - we'll have something for everyone.

King of the Castle is a week of adventure, discovery, games, drama, food, music, crafts and Bible stories. Hosted at Holy Trinity Church Oswestry in partnership with All Saints’ Gobowen and St Mary’s Selattyn.

The holiday club is open to children in school years 1 to 6 and is completely free.
Young people in school years 7-13 are invited to take part as Junior Leaders.

We’ll be meeting each day 9.30am - 11.50am in the castle (the Holy Trinity Church building, Oswestry).

Then on Sunday 23rd February, you and your family are warmly invited to join us for the 'Final Adventure' at Holy Trinity Church (Oswestry), All Saints’ Church (Gobowen) or St Mary’s Church (Selattyn) to see something of what the children have been doing during the week.

Book your child's place here

Book your junior leader's place here

We'll then be in touch to confirm your child's place.

Gobowen Community Cafe

A free drop-in cafe for all the community

Children’s crafts,
tea & coffee,
cake and chat

Every Thursday in term-time, 2:30-4:00pm, All Saints' Hall
Our popular weekly cafe drop-in will continue through the year. Every week during term time from 2:30-4:00pm on Thursdays for a warm welcome, a cuppa, chat and cake all free.

As the cost of living rises this winter, we are partnering with Warm Welcome UK to help anyone needing a warm space. Please spread the word.

Warm Welcome UK is a co-ordinated national community response to the Cost of Living Crisis. Wherever you see this logo, you are guaranteed a warm welcome! We’re working with the Town Council and others to open Warm Welcome spaces across Oswestry and district so look out for the logo around or visit for an online map.

Christmas 2024

You are warmly invited to join us at any of our events or services as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

“Praise be to the Lord because he has come 
to his people and redeemed them.”
— Luke’s gospel, chapter 1, verse 68

Christmas Community Cafe

Thursday 19th Dec, 2:30-4pm, All Saints’ Church Hall
A special session of our weekly free Community Cafe with crafts for children, refreshments and Christmas snacks.

Candlelit Carol Service

Friday 20th Dec, 7pm, All Saints’ Church
A festive and traditional service of readings and carols.

Village Carol Singing with the Llay Welfare Band

Saturday 21st Dec, 6pm, around the Village Christmas tree
Families welcome. Meet opposite Co-op around the tree for some community carol singing.

Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday 24th Dec, 5pm, All Saints’ Church
A carol service for the whole family, including lighting a Christingle in aid of the Children’s Society.

Christmas Day Service

Wednesday 25th Dec, 10am, All Saints’ Church

Biker's Breakfast

Biker’s Breakfast & Blessing

All are welcome (whether you are a biker or not) for our Biker’s Breakfast and Blessing in the church hall. A free off-road car park is available. A free full cooked breakfast and includes as much tea and coffee as you like.

TIME: 9.00-11:30am

VENUE: All Saints’ Church Hall, Gobowen, Shropshire, SY11 3LL

Upcoming Dates for 2024-2025:
7 th December.
25th January
1st March
5th April
10th May
14th June
26th July
30th August
4th October
8th November
13th December


A Taste of Christmas

An informal evening to taste-test Christmas foods from local supermarkets. Find out which wins the overall vote as the best taste of Christmas. With a short talk about the Christian hope at Christmas.

7pm on Friday December 6th

in the Church Hall

at All Saints’ Church, Gobowen, SY11 3LL

Tickets £3, including taste-testing and hot drinks. Please book a place on 01691 590 564

or email

Gift of life Service

To remember with thankfulness
loved ones who have died

Gift of Life Service,
4pm, Sunday 3rd November 2024,
All Saints’ Church, Gobowen.

You and your family are warmly invited to join us to remember those we love. The names of those whose funeral was in the past two years will be read out.
Please let us know the names of any others you
would like to be read out in the service.

Harvest 2024

Join us to give thanks to God for our farmers, for this year’s harvest and for all his good gifts. If you feel able to contribute, we will be making a collection of non-perishable items in support of local foodbanks.

All Saints’ Church, Gobowen

All Age Harvest Activity Service followed by a Harvest Lunch

Sunday 6th October, 11am

Followed by a Harvest Lunch with food provided by our church team


St Mary’s Church, Selattyn

Harvest Thanksgiving Service with a meal afterwards

Tuesday 8th October, 7:30pm

To book for the meal at the Docks, please contact Betty on 658876


Selattyn@5 Harvest Special – All Age Activity Service

Sunday 13th October, 5pm 

An informal café-style service, with a bring and share meal

[Harvest images of vegetables, cattle and wheat]

Easter 2024

Mothering Sunday ACTIVITY SERVICE –10th March

A family activity service in thankfulness for those who care for us.
9:30am St Mary’s Selattyn & 11am All Saints’ Gobowen.

Maundy Thursday Communion – 28th March

7pm, All Saints’ Gobowen.

Good Friday FAMILY ACTIVITY SERVICE – 29th March

A family activity service with crafts, songs and snacks.
11am All Saints’ Gobowen & 4pm St Mary’s Selattyn.

Good Friday Meditation – 29th March

2pm, St Mary’s Selattyn.

Easter Sunday All Age Celebration Communion – 31st March

9:30am, St Mary’s Selattyn & 11am, All Saints’ Gobowen including Sunday School.