Please click the box below to download a copy of our term card for the coming months. Paper copies are available at the back of church.
Christianity Explored
We’d love questions and those who ask them. You are very welcome to join us in an informal and relaxed setting to think about some of the bigger questions in life. There will be space to ask any question you may have about the Christian faith: no question is too big or too small!
Over the seven weeks, we will look at a book of the Bible to find out first-hand who Jesus is and why he came. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible, and you won’t be asked to pray or sing!
We regularly run courses like this and our next course is starting at the Vicarage, Old Chirk Road, 7:30pm on Thursday 1st February. But please feel free just to give the first few sessions a try or join us whenever you can.
If you’d like to join us, please contact Steve on
Prayer Diary: Jan-Mar 2024
Our very many thanks to Dorothy Pedley for compiling the Gobowen Prayer diary. Paper copies are available at the back of church. Click the black button below to download a copy.
Champions Holiday Club 2024
Tuesday 13th - Friday 16th February
and Sunday 18th February 2024
Come and join us in the stadium! Whether you feel sporty or crafty, chilled or action packed - we'll have something for everyone.
Champions is a week of adventure, discovery, games, drama, food, music, crafts and Bible stories. Hosted at Holy Trinity Church Oswestry in partnership with All Saints’ Gobowen and St Mary’s Selattyn.
The holiday club is open to children in school years 1 to 6 and is completely free.
Young people in school years 7-13 are invited to take part as Junior Leaders.
We’ll be meeting each day 9.30am - 11.50am in the stadium (the Holy Trinity Church building).
Then on Sunday 18th February, you and your family are warmly invited to join us for the ‘Closing Ceremony’ at Holy Trinity Church (Oswestry), All Saints’ Church (Gobowen) or St Mary’s Church (Selattyn) to see something of what the children have been doing during the week.
Book your junior leader's place here
We'll then be in touch to confirm your child's place.
Free food for all: Given to Shine
Help avoid food waste and have a helping hand for Christmas. Surplus supermarket food will be distributed at All Saints’ Gobowen Church Hall on Christmas Eve from 7:15pm. The food available will be predominantly seasonal vegetables and bread, but we may have a bit of fruit too.
We kindly ask you to bring your own bags as there will not be any provided, and feel free to collect for your neighbours who may struggle to attend themselves. With thanks to Given To Shine Wrexham coordinating the distribution.
Christmas 2023
You are warmly invited to join us at any of our events or services as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. — John’s gospel, chapter 3, verse 16
Christmas Community Cafe
Thursday 14th December, 2:30-4pm, All Saints’ Church Hall
A special week for our free Community Cafe with crafts for children, refreshments and Christmas snacks.
Village Carol Singing with the Llay Welfare Band
Tuesday 19th Dec, 6pm, around the Christmas tree
Families welcome. Meet outside the Cross Foxes pub around the tree. If it’s wet, we’ll meet inside the pub.
Candlelit Carol Service
Thursday 21st Dec, 7:30pm, All Saints’ Church,
A traditional service of readings and carols.
Christmas Eve Services
Sunday 24th Dec, 5pm, All Saints’ Church
A carol service for the whole family, including lighting a Christingle in aid of the Children’s Society.
Christmas Day Service
Monday 25th Dec, 10am, All Saints’ Church
Remembrance Services 2023
12th November Remembrance Sunday
Services starting at 10am at All Saints'. We will move to gather at their the village memorial outside Co-op by 10:50 for an Act of Remembrance.
Prayer Diary: Oct-Dec 2023
Our very many thanks to Dorothy Pedley for compiling the Gobowen Prayer diary. Paper copies are available at the back of church. Click the black button below to download a copy.
Term card: Autumn 2023
Please click the box below to download a copy of our term card for the coming months. Paper copies are available at the back of church.
Gift of life Service
To remember with thankfulness
loved ones who have died
Gift of Life Service,
4pm, Sunday 5th November 2023,
All Saints’ Church, Gobowen.
You and your family are warmly invited to join us to remember those we love. The names of those whose funeral was in the past two years will be read out.
Please let us know the names of any others you
would like to be read out in the service.
Harvest 2023
Join us to give thanks to God for our farmers, for this year’s harvest and for all his good gifts. If you feel able to contribute, we will be making a collection of non-perishable items in support of local foodbanks.
St Mary’s Church, Selattyn
Harvest Activity Service
Sunday 1st October, 9:30am
Harvest Thanksgiving Service with a meal afterwards
Tuesday 3rd October, 7:30pm
To book for the meal at the Docks, please contact Betty on 658876
All Saints’ Church, Gobowen
Harvest Activity Service followed by a Harvest Lunch
Sunday 15th October, 11am
Followed by a Harvest Lunch from 12:30pm in the Church Hall
Prayer Diary: July-Sept 2023
Our very many thanks to Dorothy Pedley for compiling the Gobowen Prayer diary. Paper copies are available at the back of church. Click the black button below to download a copy.
All Saint's Fun Day 2023
Save the date for the All Saints’ Gobowen Fun Day,
11am – 3pm
Saturday 15th July 2022
All Saint’s Church & Hall, Old Chirk Road, Gobowen, SY11 3LL
Hot Food Cakes Stalls Refreshments Games Crafts, Bouncy Castle Free activities for children
Women's Breakfast
You are welcome to join us at the Women's Breakfast on Saturday 24th June 2023. It is run jointly between All Saints' Gobowen, St Mary's Selattyn and Holy Trinity Oswestry, and will be held in the All Saints' Church Hall.
All women are welcome, for a Saturday morning with friends over breakfast at 9am, with a short talk from Barbara Leonard.
To book please visit
Coronation Events
Coronation Events
Thursday 4th – Friday 5th May 2023
St Mary’s “Flowers in Praise” & Church Café open.
St Mary’s church will be open 10am-4pm displaying a flower festival for the Coronation of King Charles III with a café serving refreshments.
Saturday 6th May 2023
A live streaming of the Coronation Service in Gobowen Church Hall.
St Mary’s Church open 10-4pm for quiet reflection and prayer (no café)
Sunday 7th May 2023
9:30am St Mary’s Selattyn Coronation Celebration Communion
11am All Saints’ Gobowen Coronation Celebration Communion
Monday 8th May 2023
Bring & Share Afternoon Tea for the Coronation in the Gobowen Church Hall at 3pm including a Coronation Quiz and live music.
Prayer Diary: April-June 2023
Our very many thanks to Dorothy Pedley for compiling the Gobowen Prayer diary. Paper copies are available at the back of church. Click the black button below to download a copy.
Bible Overview Course
God's Big Picture
You are invited to join us for a short series giving an overview of the Bible’s story and of God’s great plan of grace from Genesis to Revelation. All the sessions will be in the church hall in Gobowen and will each be repeated in the daytime and evening. If you can’t make some of these dates, feel free to come to the ones you can manage.
Sessions on Thursdays April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, repeated at 1:30-2:30pm and 7-8pm in the church hall.
Easter 2023
Maundy Thursday Communion – 6th April
6pm, St Mary’s Selattyn.
Good Friday Family Easter Event – 7th April
A family activity service with crafts, songs and food.
11am-12pm, St Mary’s Selattyn. 4-5pm, All Saints’ Gobowen.
Good Friday Meditation – 7th April
2pm, St Mary’s Selattyn.
Easter Sunday All Age Celebration Communion – 9th April
9:30am, St Mary’s Selattyn and 11am, All Saints’ Gobowen.
Mothering Sunday Activity Service
Sunday 19th March 2023
Join us for a family-friendly activity service in thanks for those who care for us.
11am, All Saints’ Gobowen.
Egyptian Adventure Holiday Club 2023
Egyptian Adventure Holiday Club 2023
Tuesday 21st - Friday 24th
and Sunday 26th February
You are invited to join us for a week of adventure, discover, games, drama, food, music, crafts and Bible stories for children in school years 1-6. Hosted at Holy Trinity Church Oswestry in partnership with All Saints’ Gobowen. Completely free holiday club at February half term: 9;30-11:50am Tuesday 21st-Friday 24th February and a celebration for all the family on Sunday 26th February.
To book those in school years 1-6:
To book those in school years 7-13 to come as junior leaders: